Meeting Synopsis for April 14

The troop meeting last week was focused on planning for the upcoming campout: Color War Rematch! The first Color War got rained out by an unending deluge of cold raindrops and was forced to end early on Saturday before some of the big competitions could occur. This time, however, when Senior Patrol Leader Will Carlson was asked if the gods wouldn’t rain on the parade this time for Color War, he said “I talked to them, and I think I got it sorted over,” so the weather should be better this time around. Then the scouts broke up into patrol corners and began planning what their menus would be on the campout. The Flaming Arrow patrol, being the newest scout patrol, did not plan a menu for some reason, but they say they will have a patrol meeting and will figure out their plans by the next meeting.

When preliminary plans for Color War were made, it was time for the game, which to everybody’s delight was the ever-popular Dodgeball! Judging by the mad scurry for the balls when the game started, it was quite evident that things were going to get furious. Noah quickly got attacked by an onslaught in the form of raining dodge balls that he could not avoid. All through the games of Dodgeball, there were a few participants that were clearly the most aggressive players on the field: Mr. Adkerson and Alex Rye on one team, Mr. Black and Dillon Whitehead on the other.

After everybody was done trying to kill each other by pelting soft foam balls across the room, the scouts fell in for some final announcements. Some final comments on the flower sale were made, and Mr. Dan Katt was sworn in as the new troop Chaplain before the scouts circled up and called it a night.

Ben Hallenbeck, Troop 281 Historian


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