A Scout is Reverent…

On Sunday the scouts of troop 281 attended Scout Sunday at the Anderson Hills United Methodist Church. Scouts also served as ushers. Grant K. and Ross K. served as acolytes and Elliot H. gave the Morning Prayer. Mr. S.* gave a speech about the Boy Scouts of America being 100 years old this month. Also about how William Boyce was lost in the fog in London and a Boy Scout helped him find his way to his hotel. This intrigued him, he had never heard of a Boy Scout before. He then met with Baden-Powell, founder of the Boy Scouts in England, about starting a Boy Scout program in the U.S. The Boy Scouts also had a laptop set up in the lobby with a slide show, orange juice and, donuts.

Jack Van Keuren, Historian

*Doug Siebenbergen, former troop 281 Scoutmaster is now the church - troop liaison. Ed.


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