The American Legion Visits

This scout meeting, Joe Baker from the American Legion came. The American Legion is a veterans group. He talked about being in the military and said that nothing super exciting happened while he was in the military. His Air Force base in Britain did go on high alert one time because the Black September group threatened to take a nuclear warhead. He also explained what the American Legion is.

The game we played this meeting was knock out. Knock out is a kind of basketball game. Two people are throwing balls trying to make a basket. If the second person shoots a hoop before the first person, the first person is out. On the other hand, if the first person makes a basket before the second person, he is safe and passes the ball to the next person in line. That person now becomes the second thrower and so on until there is only one person left. The game went as normal until the end where there was some extremely insane 1 on 1's going on.

Greg B., the next in a long line of Eagles, got his Eagle badge this meeting.

Joe S. (Historian)


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