Primer for Camp Friedlander - 2011

Greetings parents and readers everywhere!

By now you should have all the info you need for 281's experience at Friedlander.  The editor (that's me, Nick Rechtin), and quite possibly others, will be periodically updating this blog - daily, we hope.
Put this website on your favorites and check back regurlarly because there's a lot that goes on here.  We especially hope to continue the daily "Letters from Camp" column (among other things).

Here's a six-minute promotional video for the camp directed toward Scout leaders:

(Or Google:       Camp Friedlander Youtube       for other interesting videos.)

While produced for last year's season, it's well done and may fill in some blanks that we, the leaders, may also have forgotten.


To see last year's entries, go to June and July 2010 in this blog.  (I hope we can do as well this time around.)


Finally, for some genuine sentimentality, check out lyrics of this camp song that will be sung at the Friday night campfire:


Scout Vesper
Tune: "Tannenbaum"

Softly falls the light of day,
While our campfire fades away.
Silently each scout should ask:
"Have I done my daily task?
Have I kept my honor bright?
Can I guiltless sleep tonight?
Have I done and have I dared
Everything to be prepared.?"

Listen Lord, oh listen Lord,
As I whisper soft and low,
Bless my Mom and bless my Dad,
There is something they should know.
I have kept my honor bright.
The Oath and Law has been my guide.
Mom and Dad, this you should know,
Deep in my heart I love you so.

Enjoy your week.    


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