Historian Aaron G. - Fall 2021 Court of Honor

 Court of Honor

This past Sunday we had our 2021 fall Court of Honor. Many people got recognized and it was a lot of fun. It started off with opening flags done by the Whales and Swiss Miss, then moving on to the opening prayer done by Melissa Longbrake. Then we started the award part of the ceremony with Mr. Longbrake where a lot of people got their patches for there new rank. Mackenzie Specht was the first out of all of the Swiss Miss to get Life rank. It then continued on to merit badges were everybody got some cool ones from summer camp at Camp Rainey Mountain, and mostly everybody who went got a white water rafting patch. It then moved on to the Senior Patrol Leader talk done by Deacon Howland from the boys troop and Hannah McOwen from the girls troop. After that we moved into summer camp review where they talked about how this year's summer camp went. We made an entrance into our campsite and showed our Troop spirit by running around the parade field on each other's shoulders with our Troop flags. Mr. Goodfellow did a leader cook off - sadly we did not win. Next some people talked about Boundary Waters and how that went. The boys went around 85 miles on their trip.  They found many water falls. And they also saw a rare flying tent heading straight for the water! After that they talked about the planning campout and all that was to come. Then Mr. Stelter talked about next year's summer camp at Camp Friedlander. He also talked about Sea Base, Philmont, and National Jamboree. Heading towards the end of this fall’s Court of Honor, we got to hear Scoutmaster minutes from Mr. Murphree and Mrs. Vogelgesang followed by the benediction done by Caleb McOwen. And to close everything off, the Rams did the closing flags. It was a great fall Court of Honor and it was very enjoyed with many new rank advancements, merit badges, and exciting stories.

Aaron G.
Troop 281 Historian


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