Historian Aaron G. - Feast Fest 2021


This past weekend was the Feast Fest campout. A lot of the troop showed up and it was a super fun campout. We had one AOL, Emmet, join us on the campout. We arrived at Camp Oyo kind of late, but it was fine. We set up patrol boxes, got our gear, and headed up to our cabins. We woke up the next morning ready to start the day with some delicious pancakes and sausage, then we got ready to go on a hike. We found out that it is hunting season and people were out hunting, so we went to a different trail in a non-hunting area that had a great view and is a great hike around a lake. In total we hiked about 6 miles. We went back to camp and made lunch. After lunch we did random things like basketball, gaga, advancement, and Micah and Zoe earned their Totin Chip. After that the cooks started making the dinner. The Swiss Misses had Mexico; Rams had Germany; Gladiators had Greece; and Whales had Italy. Everybody made amazing dishes. The girls won; Rams came in second; Whales came in third; and sadly, Gladiators came in 4th. Overall, it was a great time.  Smoke alarms went off twice, once in the girls’ cabin and once in the boys’ cabin. But it was just some smoke from the cabin fireplaces, and everyone was safe. Everybody had an amazing time and we had some delicious food. Feast Fest was awesome, and I bet everybody had tons of fun. Can't wait for next year.

-Aaron Griffin (Troop Historian)


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