Honoring Achievements

At last week's court of honor, the scouts and their parents gathered at the church to attend the tri-seasonal get-together (there is no CoH in Summer). With everybody bringing some sort of treat to put on the conncessions table in the back, everything was set for a nice night.

SPL Alex R. welcomed everybody to the CoH to get things started before handing off the microphone to Noah R. for a slideshow on the National Jamboree. Most of the attendees at the CoH had not gone to the Jamboree, so it was an interesting insight into one of the biggest Scoutting events ever. After the Jambo slideshow, Alex resumed the microphone for a quick slideshow about the various eagle projects that had been done this year, one of the hardest requirements for the Eagle Scout rank.

Following the slideshows, it was time for the presentation of the various badges. Merit Badges, rank patches, and some special presentations were all given out to those who had earned them. A few of these were to scouts who either had left the troop for various reasons or were not in attendance that night, so they will be delivered to the proper scout in due time. To close the meeting, Dr. Reynolds had his Scoutmaster's "minute" and Andrew B. performed the closing benediction. With the formalities over and done with, everybody headed back to the treat table to eat sweet things as if it were Thanksgiving and not heeding the fact that everyone would have sugar hangovers in the morning.

-Ben Hallenbeck, Troop Historian


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