A storm rolled in yesterday evening.  Max and Andrew accounted for everyone in the troop, we tied down the tents and sheltered at the campsite until the wind and lightening passed.  It rained all evening and most of the night, but the rain and storms didn't stop Troop 281 from participating in troop competitions, having a campfire, and working on advancement.  We have had the usual homesickness, but nothing we couldn't handle.  Our first year scouts have had a fabulous week... lots of smiles and excitement.  The scouts thank you for the mail, cookies and snacks. Tomorrow is already our last day at camp.  Most agree that the week went very fast.  Lots of scouts were talking about finishing a rank advancement today.  Should be a great one!!

Right Canoe: SM water ski- Ken Wilson in water.  Eric and Alexander in the canoe.

 Josh working on Second Class at camp

The Troop huddled under the shelter before Wednesday's storm.


Troop Picture at chapel

Shade on a Hot Muggy Afternoon

Peter and Austin at Trailblazer

Eric and Brendan at Trailblazer

Cafeteria Food - Not bad!

Donovan finishing Trailblazer

Lakeview - 7:00 Flag raising

The Eagles- ready for Merit Badge Classes

Opening Campfire


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