Monday Fun-Day!

(click on pictures to enlarge)

Good Morning Friedlander- The calm before the storm

Happy Flaming Arrows- They have no idea of the LONG DAY that awaits them!

Here's a visitor to camp

There's a lot of card playing between merit badge classes

The Griswold is out . . . The Moosewold is in!

Noah's been working out!

Bring on the Tartar Sauce and fire up the grill!

Today was a very pleasant day at camp. Nice breeze all day, no rain, and lots of fun. Our scouts were working hard on their merit badges today.

Today we are featuring the Viking Patrol. A few members have sent home messages:

Jack:- "Hey Mom, Send $$$"

Brandon:- "COPE was fun"

Dante:- "OA Trail = PAIN!"

Brent:- "Dad, pick up my tab at the Trading Post"


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