All Tied Up

At last week’s troop meeting, the focus had already started to shift towards the next campout: the “Survivor” Campout, so the theme that night was on lashings. Before the meeting’s activities could begin, however, the standard reciting of the Pledge and both the Scout Oath and Law, and Nick B. led the opening for the meeting perfectly, even though due to a soccer accident he was forced to move around on crutches. When the typical formalities were over with, the scouts reformed into a semi-circle around a table for the lashings skill session, led by Greg B. After a brief review of some basic pioneering knots and lashings, the scouts formed multiple little groups where the older scouts (Hurricane and Viking Patrols) were to teach the younger scouts how to do a tripod lashing. Results were mixed.

After various tripod lashings had been completed, the scouts moved out into the church’s front yard, where the game would be held. The game was the “Chariot Race”, where the individual patrols had three sticks they had to lash together into a “chariot”, then with one scout riding the chariot, the other scouts had to simply run down the lawn’s opposite end and back again to win. The Flaming Arrow Patrol ended up being the winners, although the fact they aren’t as heavy as the older scouts probably worked to their advantage in the race. After the scouts had disassembled their chariots into separate staves and ropes, they went back inside where the meeting was closed in the near-standard “amoeba”, with Mr. Adkerson, filling in for the then-unavailable Dr. Reynolds, giving the Scoutmaster’s Minute.

Ben Hallenbeck, Troop Historian


(Editor's note: Parents, please note the "comments" section just below. If you click on the word "comments," you'll find that - by following a few simple prompts - you'll be able to share your own thoughts, thank-you's, or other assorted trivia to the blog. The Troop Historian is doing an incredible job of writing. It is entirely his own work. Please join in the fun. [Suggestion: When writing, use a pseudonym others might - or might not - recognize.]) Please review earlier postings as pictures will be added when they become available.


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