The meeting on Tuesday was an explanation of what and what not to bring on the upcoming backpacking trip.

Examples of what TO bring are:
· Your ten scout essentials
· A camelback hydration system (if you have one)
· Under Armour
· Hiking socks
· Small light weight boots
· Duct tape (the 11th scout essential)
· Water purification systems
· Bungee cords

What you shouldn’t bring are:
· Cotton clothing
· Heavy winter boots
· Cast iron pans (they can be used for killing bears, however)

Jack Van Keuren, Historian


stuntdad said…

I entered some "labels" in the last few posts. Basically, labels help us search the posts later on, when there's hundreds of them.

Maybe you could throw a couple of labels on your posts every week. Thanks for the great posts!

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