Finding Scouts in a Cornmaze

It was time for another one of the new "fun nights" that have been added to the monthly schedule for Troop 281, so in the sprit of the harvest seasons the scouts went off to go check out a nearby corn maze at Farm Haven in Kentucky. Getting there took a little while, and there was some initial confusion as to how the heck we were supposed to get from a church parking lot to the farm (due to all the signs pointing to the farm not being lit), but eventually the group made it up to the farm.

After the adults paid the admission price for everybody, the Scouts raced across the open field to the entrance of the maze, eager to loose themselves within the tall corn stalks. A watchtower of sorts was located quickly, but as several scouts climbed up the ladder it was discovered the hatch was locked. Some scouts kept trying to get up the watchtower to see what little they could of the maze while others left on their own to actually try to get out of the rows of corn. It took a while, but everybody did get out okay. (At least, we're pretty sure all the scouts got out alive.)

After the corn maze was over, the Scouts moved on to the barn where there was a small petting zoo with goats, bunnies, chicks, and kittens. Most of the remaining time on the farm was spent playing with the animals, especially the kittens

Unaware that the scout is onto him, the kitten tries to go for the kill.

After having lots of fun at the corn maze and with the animals, it was time to go. Some of the scouts stayed for a meeting about Philmont, while the rest headed back to the cars to take the somewhat long ride home.

Troop 281 would like to thank the owners and operators of Farm Haven in allowing the scouts to come and enjoy their corn maze and petting zoo.
-Ben Hallenbeck, Troop Historian


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