Honor Flight and the Backpacking Trip…

We had a backpacking trip to the Red River Gorge and a Scout meeting this week. There were three groups for the backpacking trip: the Philmont crew, the intermediate group, and the day hikers. The Philmont crew went seven miles the first day and two miles the second day.  The intermediate group went three miles the first day and one mile the second day.  The new Scouts day hiked. We were going to go to the Appalachian Trail but the weather was too bad. It was a good trip in all.

At the scout meeting Steven L. did a presentation on Honor Flight.  Honor Flight is a program that flies veterans to Washington D.C.  World War II veterans have first priority for flights; they only occur once a month. This meeting we were going to play dodge ball, but Alex S. couldn’t find the dodge balls. We played swing the thing instead.

Joe S.    Historian


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