Last Day- Summer Camp 2013

The adult leaders started the last day of camp confused.  We awoke to the senior patrol leader calling for the troop to "fall in".  It was 6:15 in the morning...instead of the usual 7:30.  The scout leaders decided to get up early to clean up camp.  We sorted though all personal items under the shelter and matched them with the owner.  4 sweeps of camp yielded a full trash bag and a clean camp.

Last night was a very successful night.  No visible homesickness and many scoutmaster conferences and requirement testing.  There is a rush to finish up remaining requirements to rank up in time for tonight's boards of review.  Many scouts also found time to go to the climbing wall, swimming, jumping on the blog, or attending open shooting at the range... and of course the always popular trading post for a slushie and a card game.

Some pictures from the past 24 hours:

Friday Flags at Lakeview

Troop service project- clearing brush near the shower house


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