Dutch Oven Cook-Off

Dutch Oven Cook-Off

     This week the troop had a Dutch oven cooking competition. Once tent inspections were completed, the meeting began. After the Eagles put on the opening flag ceremony, everyone went outside. Large tin trays were set up, filled with glowing coals. Each patrol got its Dutch oven and other equipment and set to work. The patrols competed fiercely, making things like cobbler, dump cake, and all kinds of tasty treats. It wasn’t long before ovens were on their coals and producing delicious smells. When it was time to plan meals for Feast Fest (coming up in a couple of weeks), everybody just did it right there, next to the Dutch ovens. Closer to the end of the meeting, the youth staff called for everyone to come inside for the final fall-in, except for two people from each patrol (to tend to the cooking food). After the troop fell in, everyone came inside to participate in circling up. Several Scouts received their rank patches: Hunter M. and Kris H. received Tenderfoot, Josh R. received Second Class, and I received Life. We then crossed arms and prayed. Then the Scouts went back outside to be judged on their food. We don’t know the results yet, but I can tell you that those desserts looked good. The Eagles’ cherry dump cake was delicious. Overall, it was a pretty tasty troop meeting.


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