Winter Court of Honor

Winter Court of Honor

     This weekend, the troop held its Winter Court of Honor. We started out with the food (obviously). There were lots of yummy dishes brought by members of the troop. Once everyone had eaten their fill, the Eagles put on the flag ceremony. The American Flag and the troop’s flag were brought forward, and then we recited the Pledge of Allegiance, Scout Law, and Scout Oath. After this there was a presentation about Friends of Scouting. Then Mr. Smotherman and Justin H. presented merit badges to Scouts who had earned them since the last Court of Honor. Next it was time for the Scouts of the troop to put on the Trail to Eagle presentation, along with Mr. Todd. The Scouts who had advanced in rank since the last Court of Honor were presented their rank cards by Mr. Todd along the way. Amazingly, we had at least one Scout receiving a rank card from every rank!

     Seamus came up to swear in the troop’s newest officers. He swore in the newly elected patrol leaders, as well as new youth staff members and other positions. Then Mr. Todd came onstage to swear in new adult leaders. Mr. Sloan and Mr. Stacy were the newest ASMs, Mrs. Haught was officially sworn in as the troop’s fundraising chair, and Mr. Zink was sworn in as the new Committee Chairman, to replace Mr. Marquez. Mr. Marquez was leaving to be a den leader for his younger son’s Cub Scout den. He was also given a gift by Mr. Todd for his service to the troop. After this Mr. Todd proceeded to give his Scoutmaster’s Minute, and then we closed in prayer.


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