This past weekend was a very fun campout. It all started when the  first car arrived a bit after 5. From there the mystery began. It began with a mysteriously dark drive that ended at Camp Birch. Getting out of the vehicles, the Youth Staff led us on a " Wild Goose Chase". We hiked to our campsite with no gear from the trailer. We were told that we would be sleeping with only what we had with us!  Later, the Youth Staff led us to our correct campsite that had the trailer and three cabins as well. We set up and had a great night of sleep. For this weekend we were split up into two teams, which were purple and orange. The day would be a competition. We woke up to a cold drizzle that would change to a hard rain, then drop a heavy dusting of snow. The weather didn't keep us from hiking in the beautiful Clifton gorge. The gorge has a fast river full of rapids running through it. Our hike was a full five miles and pretty muddy. A Capture the Flag game followed back at camp, where the Purple team won both games.  The next morning we packed up and drove to Clifton Mill, and we were there when it opened. We had a great breakfast, the pancakes were as big as DINNER PLATES. Overall was a great time. We thank the adults for coming along on the ride.


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