Letters to Home

From the Falcons,

"Thanks for the Cards. I can't wait to see you on Friday."- Ben M.

"The weather is good. I shared the food with everyone. I already earned the fingerprinting merit badge in 20 minutes."- Andrew B.

"This camp is really fun!"- Vince S.

"I miss you and thanks for the package."- Sam L.

Dear Mom,
"I really miss you, but we're having a great time at camp. Thank you for the package and i hope to see you soon."- Alex S.

"Hi everyone. I got your letter. I can't wait to see you on Friday."- Justin D.

"Hi Mom and Dad,
My backpack is ripped on the bottom and I need a new one."- Ross K.
[Editor's Note: I brought him a replacement to get through the week- Dan]

"Hi Mom,
I'm having a lot of fun playing with everybody and the cards don't work very well. They have seven extras (grace cards). I hope to see you soon."- Elliot H.

"I'm having a lot of fun at camp. Thanks for the packages."- Connor C.

I don't have any sunburn yet. It's pretty scary, a kid just got hypothermia (just kidding)."- Ian N.


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