Back to Normality

At this previous meeting, it was time to get planning for the next campout; the new scout induction at Camp Achewon. While the main events would be the exact same as they always would be (namely the giant fire pit and ceremony), the service project this time around will be making outhouse-like structures where the Green Monsters (bucket toilets) can be used so a little more privacy can be given. The procedures for getting the patrols planned were the same as always: everybody who is going has to pay $10 to the grub master, a menu must be decided upon, an equipment checkout sheet must be filled out, and then playing the waiting game for all the other patrols to finish. That previous step took a fair bit longer than usual, but the younger scouts are probably still getting used to planning their own campouts so it can be overlooked.

Eventually, everybody finished up and was ready for the game. To the scout's delight, it was the troop-favorite: dodge ball. Evidently, the guys in charge of getting the dodge ball net up (required so that balls don't fly into the stage backdrop put up by the church) have gotten it down to a science, so dodge ball can be played a little more often. However, it was a fierce match, and only one round ended up being played because SPL Alex called a jailbreak, letting all the people who had gotten out come back into the game. When the game was done, there were some few final announcements for other activities such as Noah Rechtin's Eagle Project, and then Mr. Marquez called up the Patrol Leader of the Thrashing Sharks patrol to try out the Marshmallow Crossbow, the same one that failed horribly at the previous meeting. This time, however, Mr. M had brought fresher marshmallows, and as a result the marshmallow that was shot out of the crossbow went VERY far (about 30 or so feet), to the delight of everybody in the room. It was on that high note that the Troop formed as close to a circle as possible (which was pretty good considering how geometrically challenged the troop is) and closed the meeting.

-Ben Hallenbeck, Troop Historian


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