Equipment 101

At the most recent meeting after the new scout induction campout, it was time for some boards of review. However, for the majority of scouts who didn’t/couldn’t get a board of review, it was mostly a presentation on troop equipment handling and care. Considering that various articles of equipment were supposed to be returned that night, it was very appropriate.

Led by Brett C., the presentation covered everything and anything that a scout needed to know if they wanted to take out an article of troop equipment. For the new scouts, it was a quick way to bring them up to speed as to how campouts were usually planned out, while for the older scouts it was a much-needed refresher for those who had forgotten what the three bins in the patrol box were there for (answer: how the cutlery and most cooking equipment is cleaned for the next meal). All throughout his seminar, Brett tossed out little Dum-Dum suckers to those who answered questions right that resulted in a little chaos created when Greg B. tried catching all the Dum-Dums in mid-air. The intention of the presentation was clear, however: if a scout doesn’t take care of the equipment, it hurts not only them but also the entire troop.

When that was done with, the game for the night was unusual compared to the usual meeting game fare. This night, it was Tug-Of-War. There was no clear favored side in the multiple matches played, as most of the older scouts switched sides one time if not more. Eventually, the end of the meeting came and after forming some sort of egg-shaped attempt at a circle (the scouts still aren’t that great at basic geometry, evidently), closed the meeting in the usual giant clap.

Ben Hallenbeck, Historian


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