Summer Camp Day Five

Hot Hot Hot is the word!  The temperatures have made camping conditions quite challenging.  We are coping... some better than others, but everyone is still here and healthy.  A few scouts have become overheated because they weren't drinking enough water, but recovered nicely with a cool towel, water, and fans.  Everyone was very greatful to Mr. Zink when he brought in a cooler full of ice and gateraide.  Our troop exceeded our goal of eight scoutmaster conferences and was rewarded with pizza, cold drinks, and ice cream for lunch today. 
After lunch, the scouts worked on cleaning up camp and packing their personal gear, and keeping hydrated.  Fishing and card games continue to be popular activities between merit badge classes.  Everyone is looking forward to seeing their parents this evening!
Swimming Merit Badge

Swimming Merit Badge

Snake Skin!

Swimming Merit Badge

It's so Hot!

Falling into formation

Lining up to clean up camp


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