Summer Camp Day Four

A HOT day at camp today! The temp is 98 and still climbing. The cool camp breeze off the lake mentioned yesterday is now a hot breeze:) So far, we have not seen any adverse impact from the heat. Fortunately, Friedlander is full of shade trees, and the humidity is low coupled with a steady breeze. Water is available at all merit badge classes, and there is air conditioning in the dining hall and trading post. Slushies and ice cream are hot selling items at the trading post today. Last night, there was a lot of advancement work completed. We have 6 scouts ready for their rank advancement board of review and several more that will be completing tonight. We ate in camp last night instead of the dining hall. We missed our patrol boxes, but the chicken and salad sure tasted always tastes better in the woods!
The patrol leader council set a goal to have 8 advancements to be rewarded with a pizza party for lunch tomorrow... its looking like we will reach that goal. Mail delivery was awesome today... it was called "Epic Mail Day" by several of the scouts as a wheelbarrow full of packages and letters rolled into camp! See some pics from today below-

Learning how to use a map

Signs up!

Troop 281's newest eagle scout on staff

Flag Lowering at Camp

Camp Staff Announcements

Ready to Eat!

Learning how to operate a backpacking stove

Art Merit Badge Class

Epic Mail!

Food, games, letters from home?

Look what i got!

Cookies for everyone!!!
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