Pancakes in the Woods Service Project

Pancakes in the Woods Service Project

This weekend, the troop had a service project at California Woods. Every year California Woods holds an event called Pancake in the Woods. Basically, you go there, eat pancakes and other good food, and learn about things like making butter and maple syrup. Believe it or not, it's a pretty big operation. Well, the troop helped that operation go smoothly. We directed traffic (there is a lot of it), gave visitors important information, and other things like that.

Before we did that stuff, we were given instruction on how to do everything. Then we were given neon vests and radios (one per group of three) and were sent off to our jobs. Those of us who were there were doing one of the following jobs.

In the beginning: Directing traffic and parking cars at the front lot, giving out info and parking cars at the main lot, eating (not that eating is a job...), or waiting for the call for overflow parking to open up.

In the middle: Directing traffic and helping cars pull out at the front lot, Directing people to overflow parking at California Golf Coarse at the main lot, waving people up the road near the golf coarse, or directing traffic and parking cars at the golf coarse.

In the end: Giving important info at the front lot, directing people to overflow or (towards the very end, when things slowed down) parking cars in the main lot, or waiting for an assignment.

As you can see, there was no shortage of things to do. We had plenty of people and helped California Woods pull it off. When it was all over, we got some hot chocolate, made butter, tasted maple syrup, explored, or just relaxed. It was hard work, but it was a good time.


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