Plotting, Planning, Achieving, and Tapping

Planing, Plotting, Achieving, and Tapping

This week, we planned for the Great Escape Campout. The patrols wrote down meals, duties, and jobs (grubmaster, flag bearer, etc.) for our March campout. Also, this month's Boards of Review were taking place. (They were this week because last week was Trampoline Dodgeball.) After that, we had to fall in and circle up, closing the meeting. Well, this time, the circle lasted quite a while. For one thing, along with some other announcements, several Scouts were recognized for completing their Boards of Review. After that came something a bit longer. Mr. Todd presented the rank patch to Troop 281's newest Eagle Scout: Ben M. This was special because he is also the current Senior Patrol Leader. That means he completed the Eagle rank along with all of his SPL duties. Wow!
So Ben's family came up to pin on his hard earned Eagle badge- upside down, of course.

The other thing we did in the circle was the OA Tap Out Ceremony. This was when we found out who was elected to be the newest Order of the Arrow member(s) in our troop. So, Ben M., Matt B., and Seamus G. walked around the circle... and revealed that we chose Jackson T. to be our newest OA member. Soon he will have to go to the OA Ordeal, so he can fully become a member of the Order of the Arrow. It was a great meeting.

Congratulations to Ben, Jackson, and everyone who completed a BOR.


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