Slimy Things, Scaly Things, and Campout Things

Slimy Things, Scaly Things, and Campout Things

      At this week's meeting, we had a lot going on. First, there was a skill session about reptiles, amphibians, and the Reptile and Amphibian Study merit badge. The skill session was put on by three of the Serpents (interesting...): John M., Nate S., and Hayden B. Nate brought his snake and Hayden brought a bucket of water containing some very small reptiles and amphibians. The three boys also brought some turtle shells, a reptile skull, and some other interesting specimens. They taught us about the merit badge and its requirements, and gave us some general information about their slimy, scaly friends. Then we got to pet Nate's snake. After that fun session, we planned for the upcoming campout and elected new patrol leaders. (The new patrol leaders will start at the June Court of Honor.) After that, we circled up and ended the meeting.


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