Shooting Campout

Shooting Campout

The Shooting Campout was this weekend. It was at Camp Achewon, and was the first campout at which the new patrols camped with everyone else. This campout had been highly anticipated. Much planning had been involved. Many wavers had been signed. Many instruction sessions had been attended. Now, it would all come together and form a campout.

When we got to Achewon on Friday, we had a nice little instruction on going to the bathroom. That is, we learned (or were refreshed on) how to use the Green Monster. For those who do not know, the Green Monster is a green 5-gallon bucket with a snap-on toilet seat. (There are trash bags to put in it before sitting down.) After that we charged down the hill to unpack the trailer. Once gear and equipment was unloaded, It was time to set up camp. The staff, Panthers, Scorpions, and Dragons put up patrol boxes and tents at the staff campsite. The other patrols put their gear in carts and hauled it to the back campsites.

On Saturday morning, everyone got up, made breakfast, and got ready for the day ahead. We had our flag ceremony and received instructions for the morning. We had a fairly relaxed day. Starting at 1:00, we were shuttled to the range, Miami Rifle and Pistol Club. We went two patrols at a time every hour. Everyone had a blast shooting. When not shooting, people worked to clear fallen trees, branches, etc. from the trails and spruce things up. The Eagles, who were staying at the Dragons' usual campsite (they didn't have enough people to use it), looked at a location to turn into a campsite of their own. Once we were done with shooting and camp improvement, everyone ate dinner and relaxed... until 9:30. At that time, we all met at the parade field and started the troop wide game of hide and seek (it's kind of an Achewon tradition). Anyone who wanted to could be seekers if they asked, and the rest hid. At about 11:00 or 11:30, the game was over. Many people had been found. It was a fun evening.

In the morning on Sunday, it wasn't as easy-going as Saturday. We had to get up, eat, and start packing up. Sleeping bags were stuffed. Backpacks were filled. Tents were taken down. After that, cleaning took place. Patrol boxes were packed. Gear was taken to the trailer. Inspections of troop equipment were performed. All through the morning there was chaos. Eventually, though, we were able to get things in the trailer, close it up, and go back home to face cleaning and putting away our stuff.

Many thanks to all the people who made this campout a success!


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