Hiking at Bear Wallow

On March 20, 2009 To March 22, 2009 the Kodiaks and the Falcons went hiking at Bear Wallow. After getting lost in southern Indiana, we arrived had to set up our tents in the dark. We slowly got up and managed to get to the trail by 10:00. On the trail learned a lesson from Dr. Reynolds on hot spots because one of the scouts had a blister. We hiked and hiked looking for our lunch location, then we had lunch right before we found the picnic area. After we found the picnic area, we had a surprise from Dr. Reynolds .He had a watermelon and a cantaloupe in his backpack. The total hike was a little under 13 miles.
The next morning after breakfast we had chapel service. In chapel service Elliot sang a Latin song for us. Then we had a police line and then went back to the church.


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