Meeting Synopsis for Mar. 24

Last week's meeting had the younger scouts split up from the older scouts again, the younger scouts going off somewhere to learn knots while the older scouts sat in on the skill session on the Personal Finance Merit Badge. The skill session was led by none other than the Troop's very own Mr. Ossman, who was well prepared for teaching the skill session as he is a registered counselor for the merit badge. In the skill session, Mr. O covered all the basics about the requirements for this Eagle required badge, including the notorius "13-week budget" requirement. After the skill session, Mr. O handed out a little quiz to test scout's knowledge about various money and time related things along with a bonus question that only Brett Carwile knew: What is Jar-Jar's given name? The question, while not related to the actual skill session nor the infamous Jar-Jar Binks of Star Wars infamy, was related to Mr. O handling Summer Camp sign ups, as the counselor Jar-Jar is now the program director for this year's summer camp.

The game was a basic game of Capture the Flag, although right from the start both teams charged at each other as if they were participating in World War Three. With that kind of start, the game would have been very interesting to watch, no doubt about it, but sadly the game had started too late to get fully underway before all the scouts had to go back in to close up the meeting.

After the game, Dr. Reynolds passed out new troop number patches, the troop number portion turning into olive green numbers on tan backing as compared to the typical white numbers on red backing. These were given to anyone who was wearing the new-style Boy Scout uniform, which pretty much came down to a few adult leaders and all of the Flaming Arrow Patrol. Lastly, right before the scouts closed another meeting with the traditional crossed-hands-amoeba, Dr. Reynolds also swore in the newest Assistant scoutmaster, Ken Wilson, who will also be serving as the new troop "Medicine Man" in light of Dr. Reynolds leaving that position for Scoutmaster.

Ben Hallenbeck, troop historian


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