Meeting Synopsis for Mar. 3

Mr S. was among those attending the latest meeting, which was a very exciting meeting indeed. The skill session was simply titled "Cooking on the Trail" and led by Chef Max Goldberg and Assistant cook Dillion Whitehead. The skill session covered how to make basic meals on the trail, how to be conservative with garbage on the trip, and a mini-class in backpacking Nutrition 101 to show what kind of stuff one must eat on the trail. What really made the little cooking class interesting was what went on during it: flying compressed bread slices, a discussion about getting butter from milking anything vs. just bringing squeeze butter, a rush for Spam sandwiches, and plenty of delicious taste tests.

Then after cleaning up the skill session, the scouts only got more energetic when the game was revealed to be the ever popular Dodgeball. The adults set up a net where the stage wall used to be to block balls from flying into the stage backdrop, and Senior Patrol Leader Will Carlson said that this was going to be a game that used the "Honor" system, or in other words this was going to be a "fair" match. The first round was over relatively quickly, with Brett Carwile as the last man on his team vs. the majority of the other team. The second round was similar, except it was Elliot Horstman as the last man standing against his enemies. The Last round was longer than the first two and much more furious, but in the end it was Max Goldberg vs. the world."

--Ben Hallenbeck, Troop Historian


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