Meeting Synopsis for Mar. 10

At the last meeting, the existing Hurricane, Viking, Kodiak, and Falcon patrols were joined by a fifth patrol, the Flaming Arrow Patrol, who had recently come back from their very first campout.

Then after the Order of the Arrow elections were held, the patrols split up to plan the meals for the upcoming campouts, while the Kodiaks and Falcons are going hiking at Bearwallow, the Hurricane and Viking Patrols will be going to John Bryan State Park to go rock climbing.

Guest speaker and former Troop 281 member Barry Atkins visited to explain what the rock climbing was like and brought some "nice shiny objects," as he put it, in the form of climbing equipment used to climb the rocks. Mr. Atkins is an advisor for a Venture Scout patrol as well, so I bet there will be some Venture Scouts on this campout as well who are climbing the rocky cliffs.

After planning what meals will be made on the trip, the scouts broke up into two parties yet again, this time divided by age. The older scouts went outside to play Ultimate Frisbee while the younger scouts stayed inside to play Ultimate Football. In both games, all the scouts were like one giant mob of limbs and hair chasing a little plastic toy, the only real difference being that the mob formed by the older scouts was taller than the mob formed by the younger scouts.

Lastly, as the meeting began to come to a close, the Flaming Arrow scouts received their Scout Badges from Mr. Carlson and Mrs. Carwile, and the new scout parents joined in when the order to "circle up" was given. The resulting shape was more like a giant elongated oval, but that's closer to a circle than what the scouts normally form in a typical meeting closing.

Ben Hallenbeck


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