Achewon Flag Retirement

Achewon Flag Retirement

     For our last troop meeting until the fall, we went to Camp Achewon to have a flag retirement ceremony. When everyone arrived, there was a large campfire at the chapel, and the participants of the ceremony were preparing. Once everyone was there, Alexander S., the master of ceremonies, started the meeting. After it began, Ben M. read about the U.S. Flag. Then we all said the Pledge of Allegiance, the Scout Law, and Scout Oath. After that, Tanner K. and Sean G., two others who participated in the ceremony, read their parts. Several flags were retired, and the rest were retired by those in the troop who came forward. When the ceremony was over, everyone went back to the church while Ben M. put out the fire and respectfully buried the ashes. Back at the church, we circled up, and some Scouts were awarded their new rank patches. Andrew M. was awarded Second Class, Owen R. would have been awarded First Class (he wasn't there), Alexander S. was awarded Star, and Nathan H. was awarded Life. Then we prayed and ended our final meeting.


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