Rowing With the Crew

Rowing With the Crew

     This week the troop went to East Fork Lake to have a rowing meeting. Ben M., our SPL, rows for the Clermont Crew, so we went to their boathouse. When we got there, we split into groups to go out on the water and row, learn about rowing, and use the rowing machines in the boathouse. While people rowed, learned, and played, several Scouts had Boards of Review- interestingly- on top of some boats that were on trailers. Everyone had a great time on the boats and rowing machines, watching a video about rowing, and just playing around. Though the fun meeting had gone by quickly, it was eventually time to end the meeting. We fell in, were given fliers about the Clermont Crew's summer camp, and listened to announcements. Then the meeting was over.


An unusual BOR spot


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