Outdoor Game Night...?

Outdoor Game Night...?

This week's meeting was extremely busy. First, everyone who checked out a tent at the Shooting Campout had to set up their tent to be inspected. After the tents were taken down, the meeting started. After the flag ceremony, we planned for the Mystery Campout. (Still, a mystery.) After that chaos, it was time for outdoor games. Sadly, because the meeting was so busy, Outdoor Game Night was not that great. The troop split into two groups. Then, one group played ultimate frisbee, while the other stayed inside to play dodgeball. This lasted for only fifteen minutes, and then the groups switched. After that we circled up. Then Mr. Ross announced this month's winners of the Golden Spoon. They were the Chimera patrol!!! After they were awarded the Spoon, we ended the meeting.


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