Note to readers

The editor and photographer have both been very busy with personal matters in the last 24 hours. Tune in again tomorrow when we'll both be back on the beat. More neat things are coming.  Look for the Thrashing Sharks to write next.

 Nick Rechtin and ASM Charley Todd.

Here's a couple of thoughts to tie you over and keep you amused until then:
 --- All copy and photo rights are available to anyone who doesn't want to profit from them.
 --- The first group pic from Sunday is a keeper. All campers are in it. And it may even be better than the "official" group photo which will cost you money.
 --- Click on that, or any picture, to enlarge.  Charley's got a good camera with great resolution.
 --- Comments are welcome.  Click on the comment link to add your two cents. (Caution: pseudonyms are recommended since anything you write will be searchable.  Consider something like "John's mother" or some other pen name.)


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