Special note to parents:

Dear parents,

It's awkward and embarrassing to write this (especially with egg on your face).
Worse still, when dealing with volunteers and other well meaning people, you can't fire them.

In spite of other earlier impressions you may have had, we, the leadership of 281 at Camp Friedlander, prefer parents do NOT visit camp to see their son until the Friday family night tomorrow. With a lot of new first year scouts, homesickness can be a problem.  (The malady can be contagious.)  Please be confident that we're handling all situations well and will contact parents as necessary.

If you ARE concerned please call:
  SM Dr. Reynolds - 513-659-5080
         Nick Rechtin - 513-673-7988
ASM John Neuhart - 513-658-0320

Thanks, we're having the best week ever.

Nick Rechtin


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